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Drum & Bass is fast paced, syncopated and jam-packed with ghost notes. It’s great fun to play and when you feel those heavy bass lines in your chest you just want to move. It really was made for drummers because we get to play for the song and show off our chops at the same time.
More and more live musicians are getting drawn to this style because of the challenge and the freedom that it offers. Drummers like Jojo Mayer, Johnny Rabb and KJ Sawka are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible on the drumset as well as what’s possible with the genre.
In this lesson I’ll show you three more Drum & Bass grooves (lesson one is here). Each is a two bar pattern, constant eighth notes on the hi-hats with variations on the bass drum and snare.
Download the accompanying pdf. You’ll see six, two bar grooves, of which the first three are shown in the video (four times each). Set your metronome to 50bpm and try to play what’s written. Take your time, get it nice and tight, and slowly build up the tempo. Your final goal should be 160-180bpm.
When you are comfortable with the examples written see if you can come up with a few variations of your own. I’ve left some space on the pdf for you to write them out.
Recommended Listening
Prohibited Beats – Nerve
Timeless – Goldie
Two Pages – 4Hero
Return to V – Roni Size
Now Kill It! DN
We specialize in helping drummers of all levels become rhythmic assassins and develop ninja-like skills, quickly. Our mission is to create the best resources for all musicians and build a community where you can learn and share everything related to your musical journey.
Our team is committed to exceeding our clients’ expectations with uncompromising honesty and integrity. We focus all of our energy on helping musicians of all levels achieve their goals and build a foundation of skills that will last a lifetime.
Enter your name and email below to get instant access to our FREE eBook, “9 Powerful Tips To Get Faster On The Drums (And The Mistakes To Avoid!)”
Enter your name and email below to get instant access to our FREE eBook,
“9 Powerful Tips To Get Faster On The Drums (And The Mistakes To Avoid!)”