DPA DDK4000 Drum Mic Bundle Review

Practical Buying Guide


If you’re looking for some seriously high-end drum microphones, you should check out the options that DPA offers. 

In this particular review, we’re going to look at the brand’s DDK4000 microphone set. This is a full set of drum mics that will give you incredible recording quality. 

We’re going to break down everything about the set and explain whether it’s worth buying. 

Key Features: 

The DDK4000 Mic Set is a standard drum mic set with seven microphones. 

Here’s everything that you get in the package: 

  • DPA 4055 kick drum microphone 
  • DPA 2012 mic for the snare drum
  • 2 x DPA 2015 mics for overheads 
  • 3x DPA 4099 CORE mics for the toms 

The package also comes with XLR adapters for the microphones, rim mounts for the tom mics, and a pristine carry case to place everything inside. 

Build Quality
Price to Value Ratio
  • Incredibly good sound quality
  • Highly durable designs
  • Fantastic tom mounts that allow you to position the mics easily
  • The snare mic also does a good job of picking up the hi-hats
  • This microphone set costs thousands of dollars, which is far more than most other mic packs on the market


DPA DDK4000 Drum Mic Bundle Review:

What To Expect from This Mic Pack



You won’t get better quality from many other mics compared to these. These DPA mics are as high-end as you can get, leading them to give you incredibly pristine drum kit sound quality. 

Each mic in the set is created to bring out the best possible tones from all the parts of a drum set, and then they work together to bring a luxurious end product. 

The kick drum mic is a particular standout, as it makes your kick drum sound seriously beefy and punchy. 

The snare mic is also a fantastic addition to the set. It’s a condenser mic, so it picks up the sounds of your hi-hat as well. It isolates them in the mix, giving you plenty of control over how they sound. 


When you look at this microphone set, the first thing that you’ll notice is the unique tom mic mounts. It’s quite hard to distinguish what they actually are at first. 

The toms have long gooseneck mounts that are seriously strong. These goosenecks allow you to place the tom mics in any position imaginable. This allows you to put them in just the right spot to get the best contact from your drumsticks. 

All the other mics are also well-designed. You can feel how luxurious they are when holding them. 

Lastly, the case needs to be mentioned, as it’s one of the most solid cases we’ve seen coming with a microphone set. 


All the microphones have very high sound pressure levels. That means that they can be placed close to the drums, and you can play as loud as you want without them ever distorting. 

DPA has even tested them on Kenny Aronoff, who is one of the hardest-hitting drummers in the music industry. 

They perform brilliantly in every setting, giving you reliable qualities that you can always count on. 

Price Value Ratio

The big kicker about this microphone set is that it costs over $5000. You could buy a DW Collector’s Series drum kit for that much, telling you just how expensive it is. 

There are very few people that would be willing to pay so much for a set of drum microphones, so we don’t think the price-to-value ratio is too good here. 

Things To Consider:

DPA DDK4000 Drum Mic Bundle for Studio Recording

These microphones are a perfect option for a recording studio. While they’re intended to be drum mics, an audio engineer could also use them for a variety of other instruments, and they’d get incredible results. 

DPA DDK4000 Drum Mic Bundle for a Live Gig

These mics will make your drum kit sound immaculate in live gigging settings. Most of them are condenser mics, so you just need to be careful of microphone bleed. However, they’ll perform extraordinarily well when you avoid that. 

DPA DDK4000 Drum Mic Bundle Review
  • Build Quality
  • Perforamance
  • Price to Value


This mic set honestly includes some of the best drum microphones available. However, we can’t see too many drummers buying it. The price is just too high for the average musician, and even pro drummers would most likely go with more affordable mics for whatever their needs are. 

With that being said, you’ll absolutely love these microphones if you do get them. 

Brett Clur has a Drum Performance Diploma from Trinity College London  has been playing drums for over 20 years. He is passionate about advanced concepts and uses his years of experience to teach his students about them. While he is a full-time drum teacher, he is also working on growing a YouTube channel where shares his insights. You can see him playing there, or on Instagram where he posts daily videos.

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