PreSonus Studio One 6 Professional Review

For Drum Recording


If you want to record drums, you need to have a DAW to work with. A Digital Audio Workstation will give allow you to connect microphones to your computer through a recording interface, and it will allow you to control all the audio that is coming through. 

There are several popular DAWs available, and all of them work fairly well for drums. In this review, we’re going to focus on the PreSonus One Studio 6 Professional version. It’s an amazing piece of software, and it’s one that we recommend for drummers. 

We’ll break down why we say that, and we’ll explain whether this DAW is for experienced players or beginners. 

Key Features: 

PreSonus One Studio 6 does everything that you’d expect a DAW to do. It allows you to create and record music, and it has a wide variety of sound editing tools. 

However, there are a few noteworthy features in the Professional version of the software, such as the track presets, advanced mixer controls, mixer channel overview, and video editing tools. 

The user interface is completely customizable, meaning every user can create their own interface that suits them best. This makes the DAW amazing for experienced users. 

The last thing to mention is that the DAW works on a drag and drop system, making it incredibly easy to use for beginners that are still learning as they go. 

Price to Value Ratio
  • Fully customizable interface
  • Great for beginners and experienced drummers
  • Wide variety of sound editing tools
  • Unlimited audio tracks available
  • Plenty of customer support
  • Great option for recording drums with
  • Very affordable
  • The initial interface can seem quite confusing for new users


PreSonus Studio One 6 Professional Review:

What To Expect from This Software



The overall quality of PreSonus is incredible. It’s a very sleek DAW that makes creating and recording music quite easy. It has dozens of useful features that come stock with the software, and you could create a whole album without downloading any external plugins. 

The sound editing tools are highly extensive, and the program makes it easy for new people to learn as they go. 

The initial layout may seem a bit confusing for people using a DAW for the first time, but the software will become clear after a bit of tinkering. 

It’s a perfectly good DAW that easily competes with all the other good ones on the market. It has some unique features, but it also lacks a few that you’ll find in the others. 

Why is it Great for Recording Drums?

PreSonus Studio One is great for drummers as it’s easy to use. A lot of drummers who want to record their drums have never used production software before, so the whole production world can become quite overwhelming. 

PreSonus will allow you to make several drum tracks, and it’s quite clear on how you can mix, EQ, and master all the tracks. 

You just need to sit with the program and follow a few YouTube tutorials to get a good drum kit recording. After doing that for a while, you’ll become savvy with everything the software offers. 

It’s also great for drummers as it’s very affordable for a fully-functional DAW. Drummers who only want to record won’t want to spend a lot of money for things they won’t use. Getting the Studio One 6 Professional version will just be a once-off purchase, and a drummer will have the program for life. 


PreSonus Studio One 6 works on both Windows and Mac devices. This makes it fully accessible to everyone, no matter what kind of desktop or laptop you have. 

This gives it an edge over programs like GarageBand and Logic Pro X, which are only available on Apple devices. 

Logic Pro X is arguably the closest DAW in terms of features and functions, so PreSonus Studio One is a good option if you have a Windows computer but like the idea of Logic Pro X. 

Ease of Use

As we said earlier, the program can seem confusing at first. However, it becomes very easy to use after sitting with it for a while. That’s why it’s such a good option for drummers who don’t want to go deep into using production software. 

The fact that you can completely customize the interface makes it amazing for experienced users as well. People who have been recording drums for years will be able to adjust everything to suit their preferences. 

Price Value Ratio

PreSonus Studio One 6 Professional is very decently priced. It’s an affordable DAW option that comes with an impressive number of features. 

You may need to buy a few plugins in the future if the software doesn’t have the things you want, but the base price is fantastic. It doesn’t have a scary price tag like a lot of other production options out there. 

A huge bonus is that you can use it to do video editing as well. 

Things To Consider:

PreSonus Studio One 6 Professional for Studio Recording

PreSonus Studio One 6 Professional is a solid option for studio recording. It offers everything you need to create multi-tracks and mix sounds to sound as best as possible. You’ll be able to get amazing drum kit recordings with this software. 

PreSonus Studio One 6 Professional for a Live Gig

Most people use Ableton Live for live performances. However, PreSonus Studio One 6 Professional offers a few features that are fantastic for live gigs. You can easily run a show with different tracks and cues using this software. 

PreSonus Studio One 6 Professional Review
  • Ease of Use
  • Performance
  • Price to Value


Overall, PreSonus Studio One 6 Professional is a solid option to consider for recording drums. If you don’t have a DAW yet, we highly suggest you consider getting this one. 

If you use an Apple device, you should compare this to Logic Pro X to see which one you prefer. If you use a Windows computer, PreSonus Studio One is one of your best options, especially if you’re new to recording drums and using production software. 

Brett Clur has a Drum Performance Diploma from Trinity College London  has been playing drums for over 20 years. He is passionate about advanced concepts and uses his years of experience to teach his students about them. While he is a full-time drum teacher, he is also working on growing a YouTube channel where shares his insights. You can see him playing there, or on Instagram where he posts daily videos.

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