Bose Active Noise Cancelling Headphones 700 Review

Headphones for E-Drums


If you have an electronic drum kit, you’ll either need an amp or a good pair of headphones to connect to the drum module. Most drummers tend to use headphones as a first option, as an amp can be heavy and expensive. 

In this review, we’re going to look at the Bose 700 headphones and see whether they work well for e-drums. While these headphones were never designed with drumming in mind, their noise cancelling properties make them an interesting choice. 

Let’s find out whether they’re worth buying. 

Key Features: 

The Bose 700 headphones are luxury Bluetooth headphones. The main function of these is to listen to music wirelessly. However, you can plug a cable in to connect to your drum module. If your drum module has wireless Bluetooth, then you can use them wirelessly while playing. 

These headphones have active EQ and fantastic bass, and they make your drums sound amazing in your ears. 

They have 11 levels of noise cancellation, allowing you to control how much sound from the outside world hits your ears. 

The battery life lasts up to 20 hours, but you can use them as long as you’d like if you have the cable plugged in. 

Build Quality
Price to Value Ratio
  • Impressive sound quality
  • Controllable noise isolation levels
  • Sleek design
  • Great to use for purposes other than drumming
  • Very comfortable
  • Expensive compared to other headphones for electronic drums


Bose Active Noise Cancelling Headphones 700 Review:

What To Expect from These Headphones



The Bose 700 headphones have incredible audio quality. It’s one of the best features about them, as you’ll be able to clearly hear all the drum sounds that you play, and the bass frequencies are big and booming. 

They’re some of the best-sounding Bluetooth headphones on the market, making them a highly attractive option for everyone and not just drummers. 

When thinking about drums, they cover all the frequencies of a drum kit with incredible detail, so you’ll always sound like you’re playing in a professional recording studio when wearing them. 

You get access to the Bose Music App when you get these, and that will allow you to adjust EQ levels even further. However, that won’t affect what you can hear from your drum module. 


The standout construction feature of the Bose 700 headphones is the controllable noise isolation levels. These headphones allow you to pick 11 different levels of sound cancellation, which is one of the biggest reasons why they’re a good fit for electronic drums. 

Since electronic drum pads don’t produce lots of noise, you don’t need as much sound isolation as you do when playing acoustic drums. So, it can feel a lot more comfortable using these headphones compared to bulky ones that block too much sound out. 

They also have an over-the-ear design that makes them feel comfortable to wear for long hours. You can use these for long practice sessions, and your ears won’t feel much strain. 


These headphones are very technologically advanced. They have all these features that you don’t find in many pairs of headphones, and yet they still perform excellently. 

The Bluetooth and sound isolation functions work like a dream, and those are the two main features that you may use when playing electronic drums. 

The headphones have other features, such as a Conversation Mode for talking to people, a 4-microphone system, and augmented reality support. However, you won’t end up using those when playing electronic drums. 

They’re a solid set of headphones to use with electronic drums, but you may just need to find an adapter if you need a large jack to connect to the audio port on a module. 

Price Value Ratio

The high price is the one question mark that looms over the Bose 700 headphones. For a standard set of headphones that you’ll use every day for different things, that price tag is highly justified. 

For a set of headphones that you’ll use for electronic drums, that price is very high. You also get multiple features that you won’t end up using. So, it may be better to pay less for electronic drum headphones that don’t offer features you won’t use. 

However, if money isn’t an issue and you don’t mind spending lots of it, you’ll love how these headphones sound when connected to a drum module. 

Things To Consider:

Bose Active Noise Cancelling Headphones 700 for Studio Recording

If you want to use your electronic drum set to record drum parts for songs, the Bose 700 headphones will be a great tool to use. Their sound quality is so good that you can use them for tracking as well as mixing. 

Their comfort also makes them great for use during long recording sessions. We just wouldn’t suggest using the wireless function when recording, as it’s always risky to do that. 

Bose Active Noise Cancelling Headphones 700 for a Live Gig

If you’re playing a live gig with an electronic drum kit, the chances are high that you won’t need to use headphones. However, you may need to use them if everyone is using in-ear monitors. 

In that case, it’s better to use in-ear monitor earphones that are designed for live performances. 

So, we wouldn’t recommend using the Bose 700 headphones for live settings. Also, it’s better to keep them at home to protect them from getting damaged. Large earphones are at risk on live stages. 

Bose Active Noise Cancelling Headphones 700 Review
  • Build Quality
  • Performance
  • Price To Value


Overall, the Bose 700 headphones will work well for electronic drums, but they’re not the most optimal pair of headphones to get for that purpose. It’s better to get them if you’ll primarily use them for casual listening. 

If you just want a pair of headphones that will live by your drum kit setup, you can spend a lot less to get a solid pair that are designed for electronic drums. Those won’t have any features that you’ll pay for and not end up using. 

We’d also only suggest getting a set of these if your drum module has Bluetooth support. 

Brett Clur has a Drum Performance Diploma from Trinity College London  has been playing drums for over 20 years. He is passionate about advanced concepts and uses his years of experience to teach his students about them. While he is a full-time drum teacher, he is also working on growing a YouTube channel where shares his insights. You can see him playing there, or on Instagram where he posts daily videos.

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