Does Drumming Burn Calories?

Practical Guide


Drums are a very physical instrument to play. They require the use of all your limbs, and your body is constantly moving as you play around the kit. There are so many drummers out there who have amazing bodies, and they look as fit as ever.

Because of this, many people think that playing the drums is an excellent cardio workout. In this guide, we’re going to see just how true that is. Keep reading, as the answer may surprise you!

Does Drumming Burn Calories?

Yes, drumming can burn calories. The amount varies based on the intensity of the drummer’s movements, with an average range of 50 to 1000 calories per hour. However, it’s not considered a reliable cardio exercise for fitness purposes, but it does offer other benefits like improving muscle memory, posture, mental health, stress reduction, and coordination.

Next lets go into the specifics:

How many calories do you burn drumming?

The amount of calories you burn while drumming depends on how much you move while playing. Some drummers move their bodies a lot more energetically than others, causing them to burn more calories in the process.

On average, a drummer can burn anywhere between 50 and 1000 calories while playing for an hour. If the energy of the drummer is very low and their arms don’t move around a lot, they’ll sit on the lower end of that spectrum.

If a drummer is playing very energetically on a stage for a large crowd, the extensive movement and vibe of the crowd will cause them to burn a lot more calories.

Drummers tend to burn more calories when playing live shows than they do when practicing. This is because the energy levels are typically heightened.

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Does Drumming Count as a Cardio Exercise?

We wouldn’t suggest anyone consider drumming as cardio exercise. The reason for this is that it’s so dependent on who the drummer is.

When learning to play the drums, you won’t be able to play as many notes or move your body as fast as experienced drummers, so they’ll benefit from drumming physically more than you will.

Other professional drummers who have been playing for decades don’t break a sweat when drumming as they don’t move their bodies a lot. They get even fewer cardiovascular benefits from playing the instrument.

For something to be considered a reliable cardio exercise, you should have a general idea of how many calories you can burn when doing it. Running, cycling, and swimming all have definite answers to this, whereas drumming doesn’t.

There are countless drummers who play for hours every day, but they’re still overweight. They alone are proof that drumming isn’t something you should switch the gym out for if you’re looking to have a healthy body.

What Physical Benefits Does Drumming Have?

While burning calories is one of the smaller benefits of playing the drums, one of the best physical benefits is becoming in tune with how muscle memory works.

Muscle memory refers to when your body does something repeatedly, and then it eventually goes into autopilot. It’s the key to learning to play the drums, and the ability to develop muscle memory quickly often transfers over to other skills.

For example, weightlifting techniques in the gym require muscle memory, and a drummer is more inclined to understand how important it is to that develop that, causing them to learn those techniques a bit faster.

Drumming also improves your posture. Most drum thrones don’t have a backrest, so you have to sit up straight when playing. The posture you develop from doing that easily transfers over to when you’re not playing the drums.

Does Drumming Have Any Other Benefits?

Drumming has amazing benefits. When it comes to mental health, learning to play the drums forces you to develop practice routines and keep you stimulated and dedicated. The discipline required to get good at playing the drums benefits you greatly in life.

Playing the drums also tends to reduce stress levels. What’s better than bashing on some loud drums after a long day at work? Not much.

Apart from posture and burning a few calories, drumming can often tone your body. Metal drummers tend to have very defined calf muscles from all their double pedal playing. Other drummers have very strong forearm muscles from using common drumming techniques.

Here are a few other benefits of playing the drums:

Improves memory
Improves hand-eye coordination
Boosts creativity
Helps understand rhythms

If you want to read more, we have a full list of benefits, which you can check out here.


Is drumming good for weight loss?

No, drumming is not good for weight loss. While drumming is known to burn a few calories, you’ll only burn calories if you move your body very energetically while playing. Most drummers don’t do that.

The best activities for weight loss all involve being on your feet or moving your whole body to move somewhere. Running, cycling, and swimming are typical examples of this, and they’re much better for weight loss than drumming is.

Playing the drums isn’t a reliable weight loss activity, as some sessions may burn 50 calories and others may burn 150.

Does air drumming burn calories?

You may be surprised to hear this, but it’s actually easier to burn calories while air drumming than it is to play on regular drums.

Air drumming can be an excellent cardio activity if you do it for an extended period. It burns more calories because you have a wider range of motion with your limbs, allowing you to move them more.

You’re also not held back by your drumming abilities, so you can move your arms and legs a lot faster than if you were to be playing on a drum kit.

There are some excellent air drumming cardio routines out there to check out.

While it’s not quite the conventional idea of drumming, POUND is a type of cardio workout that is taking many gym classes by storm.


To wrap things up, drumming does burn calories. However, it doesn’t burn near as many calories as other, more intense cardio activities. It also isn’t a reliable way of burning them since the number of calories you burn depends on how energetically you play.

If you want to lose weight, drumming isn’t going to help you. You should be playing drums for fun and then finding other activities to do that will help you reach your fitness goals.

I’m crazy about drums, it’s been my passion since I was 12 years old. I played in numerous bands going through different styles like Rock, Progressive, Pop & Jazz-Rock. After being featured in major music publications (DrumeoGuitar GuitarAudioIssuesMusicThinkTank I started this website to share my knowledge and create a resource for drummers of all levels.

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