What is the best hi hat stand?
There are a few drum companies that make hardware. Each company has top-of-the-range hi hat models. They all have different strengths and weaknesses, but the best hi hat stands will come from these brands. The companies are DW, Tama, Pearl and Gibraltar. There are many other different companies, but these 4 brands tend to be the most accessible around the world.
There are also hi hat stands that are made for different situations. The best stand for a double pedal would be one that only has 2 legs, leaving enough space for the slave pedal.
The best stand for frequent gigging would be one that is lightweight and quick to set up, yet sturdy enough to survive nights of constant playing.
The best stand for a home studio would be one that is heavy-duty, secure and fairly heavy. This stand will stay in the same place for a long time, so a heavy stand would be perfect for that situation.
How do you adjust a hi hat?
There are 3 adjustable points on a hi hat stand.
The base of the stand has a pedal. Most top quality hi hat stands will allow you to swivel the pedal around, making it easy to position comfortably in your setup.
The middle of the stand will have an arm that can be lowered or raised. This will determine the height of your hi hats.
The last adjustable part will be the hi hat clutch. The clutch is what holds your hi hats together and connects them to the stand. You can use the clutch to determine the distance between your top and bottom hi hats when they’re open.
Why does my hi hat sound bad?
The biggest reason will be the hi hats themselves. They could be a low quality make or they could be cracked.
It could sometimes be due to the hi hat stand. If it’s not holding the hi hats securely, or if the clutch isn’t locked in properly, then it will affect the sound.
The last possible reason would be your technique. Have you ever seen pro drummers like Benny Greb play on crappy kits? He makes it sound amazing. It’s all in the technique. Your hi hat playing technique could be holding you back.