Beyerdynamic TG Drum Set Pro Mic Kit Review

Practical Buying Guide


If you’re looking for a high-end set of drum microphones, Beyerdynamic is one brand that will never disappoint. Their TG mics work incredibly well for drums, and the brand offers a pro microphone kit with a few of them in it. 

In this review, we’ll look at each mic in the set and see how well they all work together. We’ll also explain whether this particular set is worth the money. 

Key Features: 

The main feature of this microphone kit is that every microphone is a condenser. That’s a bit different from normal kits, where only the overheads are condensers, and the rest are dynamic mics. 

Inside the kit, you get a TG D71 for your kick drum, two TG D57s for the snare drum and one other drum, two TG D58s for the rack toms, and a pair of TG I53s to use as overheads. 

You also get a soft carry case that is large enough to comfortably hold all the microphones. 

Build Quality
Price to Value Ratio
  • Very easy to set up on a drum kit
  • Each microphone offers a lot of depth
  • They’re all condenser mics, so you get a boosted amount of detail from your kit
  • Goose neck mounts make them a breeze to angle
  • Somewhat expensive compared to many other popular drum microphone kits


Beyerdynamic TG Drum Set Pro Mic Kit Review:

What To Expect from This Drum Mic Kit



The recording quality you get from these Beyerdynamic microphones is astounding. Since they’re condenser mics, you get to hear all the fine details of each drum and cymbal

They make your kit sound very natural, and you don’t need to do too much work with the EQ if you don’t want to. 

The bass drum mic is a particular favorite of ours. It delivers clean kick sounds that are punchy and powerful. 


The only two microphones in this set that may look familiar to you are the overheads, as they have a standard pencil condenser capsule. 

The other microphones all have unique bodies that you don’t see too often. They’re designed for drum kits, so the snare and tom mics have clever mounting designs that stop you from needing external rim mounts. 

You then get a goose neck on each mic, which makes positioning them very easy. Those goose necks are also very rigid and reliable. 

The bass drum mic is the standout option regarding appearance. It has a wide pickup area, and it needs to be positioned upright to get the best sounds. 


These microphones perform like a dream. They have all you need when it comes to sound quality and reliability. This makes them perfectly suitable for professional settings where you need the best drum sounds possible. 

Since these are all condenser microphones, you just need to be careful with your placements, as they’re more likely to pick up external sounds than dynamic mics. 

You also need to make sure that you have phantom power for every mic in the set. 

Price Value Ratio

We think this mic kit is priced very fairly. You get high-end mics that any pro can use for less than $1000. 

However, that’s still very expensive for drummers who don’t live in the world of audio production. 

If you’re inexperienced with microphones, you’d most likely be happy with a microphone kit that is half the price. 

Things To Consider:

Beyerdynamic TG Drum Set Pro Mic Kit for Studio Recording

The mics in this set work best in studio settings. They’re condensers, so you get all the details that you may need to create amazing drum recordings. 

Beyerdynamic TG Drum Set Pro Mic Kit for a Live Gig

The mics work well for live gigs as well. You may just battle with bleeding issues if you have other musicians or monitors close to your drum kit. Keep that in mind. 

Beyerdynamic TG Drum Set Pro Mic Kit Review
  • Build Quality
  • Performance
  • Price to Value


Overall, the Beyerdynamic TG Drum Set Pro Mic Kit is an excellent choice for any drummer who is looking for high-end microphones. The main benefits are that you get detailed recordings and have easy positioning for each microphone. 

The drawbacks are the price and the fact that you may struggle with bleed issues if you’re inexperienced with mic placements. 

Brett Clur has a Drum Performance Diploma from Trinity College London  has been playing drums for over 20 years. He is passionate about advanced concepts and uses his years of experience to teach his students about them. While he is a full-time drum teacher, he is also working on growing a YouTube channel where shares his insights. You can see him playing there, or on Instagram where he posts daily videos.

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