Gibraltar GCS-450C Drum Rack Review

Ultimate Buying Guide


Your drum kit is only as good as the hardware it sits on. That’s something that many drummers have come to learn the hard way over their careers. High-quality drum and cymbal stands make a massive difference to how your drum kit feels to play.

If you’re looking for a new set of stands, look no further than the Gretsch G5 hardware pack. Gretsch aren’t the most well-known brand for their hardware, but this pack is something that everyone should check out.

We’re going to look at each component of the pack in this review and see why Gretsch’s top-line stands are worth buying.

Key Features: 

The Gretsch G5 hardware pack comes with every stand you need to set up a basic drum set. This includes a straight cymbal stand, a boom cymbal stand, a hi-hat stand, a snare drum stand, and a bass drum pedal.

All the stands have 4mm double-braced legs and top-quality nylon fiber memory locks. They also have high-quality brass bushings.

This is Gretsch’s top hardware pack, and it includes heavy-duty hardware that is designed to stand the test of time.

Build Quality
Price to Value Ratio


  • Heavy-duty hardware
  • The white felts look interesting
  • The kick drum pedal is amazing
  • Highly durable
  • Incredibly stable
  • May seem quite expensive for people that don’t buy pro drum gear often

Gretsch Drums G5 Hardware Pack Review:

What To Expect from This Hardware Pack



The G5 pack is the highest-quality hardware pack that Gretsch offers. This means that you’re getting the best design features from the brand.

The standout quality is how heavy all the stands are, making them feel incredibly secure to play on. The cymbal stands are the kind of stands you need to use giant 24” ride cymbals that are extra thick.

The bass drum pedal is excellent. It has a dual-chain design, and it feels incredibly responsive when you play it. It would be nice if the beater had two sides with different materials, though.

The hi-hat pedal looks similar, but it’s not as heavy or technical as the bass drum pedal. However, it’s just as responsive.

One of the interesting qualities of this hardware pack is the white felts that come with the cymbal stands. Most stands have grey felts, so the white ones stand out nicely.


These are some of the most durable stands you can get. They’ll last decades if taken care of properly, considering that they’re so well-made. Take note that they’re very heavy. While that adds to the durability, it also makes them a bit harder to move.

The one piece of hardware that may not last as long as the others is the snare drum stand. It has a ball-style tilter. Ball-style tilters are incredible when you use them. They allow you to position the snare drum in ways that you wouldn’t be able to on other stands.

However, ball-style tilters get stripped a lot easier, meaning that the stand may break faster than a regular snare drum stand would. This probably won’t happen if you don’t adjust the snare drum too much, but it may become an issue if the snare angle is constantly being changed.

Ease of Use

The stands in this pack are all a breeze to use. They all have straightforward designs, meaning you don’t need to figure anything out. Some hardware packs have stands with innovative designs that don’t make sense at first.

The only thing about this pack that may not be easygoing is the weight of the stands. They’re heavier than most, so traveling with them in a hardware bag is going to be tough if you do it often.

Price Value Ratio

The Gretsch G5 hardware will last decades, making the almost $600 price tag well worth it. Even though these stands are expensive, you may never need to buy a full set of hardware again. That’s worth investing in.

You may find many hardware packs that are far more affordable, but they won’t include stands that are as durable and sturdy to play on.

This is one of the most reasonably priced hardware packs around that has stands this heavy.

Things to Consider:

Gretsch Drums G5 Hardware for Studio

The Gretsch G5 hardware pack is incredibly ideal for studio use. When setting up drums in a studio, you need to get hardware that feels like it will last 100 years. These stands fit that bill.

The only part of the pack that we suggest replacing is the snare drum stand. It’s an amazing stand, but it probably won’t last as long as the others, especially when the angle titler keeps getting changed.

When you have a drum kit in a studio, hundreds of drummers are going to come in and change that angle, giving wear and tear to the snare stand.

Gretsch Drums G5 Hardware for Live Gigs.

The G5 hardware is also amazing for live gigging. However, the stands are very heavy. If you play gigs every night, you may want to get something a bit lighter. You’ll eventually strain your back by carrying these stands around everywhere.

If you’re a pro drummer who has a team to set things up for you, then the G5 hardware is ideal. Most of us don’t have that luxury, so we suggest lightweight stands for regular gigging.

Gretsch Drums G5 Hardware Pack Review
  • Build Quality
  • Durability
  • Price to Value


Drum hardware is quite difficult to choose, considering most of it seems very similar. Your main questions to ask when looking for hardware should be whether the stands are sturdy and whether they will last long. The Gretsch G5 hardware pack ticks both of those boxes.

The best aspect of this hardware pack is the pedal that comes included with it. The white cymbal felts are also an excellent touch.

This is a professional hardware pack, so it costs a fair bit. While there are many more affordable options out there, most of them don’t offer as much as what you get here in terms of quality and performance.

Gretsch have never been a popular hardware company, but you shouldn’t let that dissuade you from checking the G5 hardware pack out.

Brett Clur has a Drum Performance Diploma from Trinity College London  has been playing drums for over 20 years. He is passionate about advanced concepts and uses his years of experience to teach his students about them. While he is a full-time drum teacher, he is also working on growing a YouTube channel where shares his insights. You can see him playing there, or on Instagram where he posts daily videos.

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