Lewitt Beatkit Pro 7-Piece Drum Mic Kit Review

Practical Buying Guide


If you’re in search of a high-end drum microphone kit, there are a few fantastic options to pick from. Brands like Shure, Earthworks, and Audix all have top-tier options that are highly popular in the drumming world. 

Another brand that we’ve been particularly impressed with is Lewitt. They sell a 7-Piece mic kit called the Beatkit Pro, and it’s definitely one to check out. 

Here’s our review on it. We’ll look at the sound quality, construction quality, and overall performance of all the mics. 

Key Features: 

This microphone kit comes with seven mics to give you a complete drum recording setup. Here are the names of each microphone: 

Lewitt DTP 640 Rex Kick Drum Mic
Lewitt MTP 440 DM Snare Drum Mic
3 x Lewitt DTP 340 TT Tom Mics 
2 x Lewitt LCT 140 Overhead Mics 

The kick drum mic includes a special cable, while you need to purchase separate cables for all the other mics. 

The pack comes with rim mounts for each snare and tom mic, and it comes with two boom arm mounts for the overheads

It also comes with a hard case to carry all the microphones in. There is a big piece of foam inside with cutouts for each microphone to be kept secure. 

Build Quality
Price to Value Ratio
  • Fantastic natural drum sounds
  • Reliable build quality
  • Easy to mix
  • Highly unique kick drum mic that works as both a condenser and dynamic mic
  • Very expensive


Lewitt Beatkit Pro 7-Piece Drum Mic Kit Review:

What To Expect from This Drum Mic Kit



These Lewitt microphones have been specifically designed to pick up all the frequencies that drums and cymbals produce. They make your drum mix very personal, as they pick up every small sound that you need. 

The MTP 440 snare drum mic is quite lively, giving you a punchy and articulate snare drum sound. 

The DTP 640 kick drum mic is one of the most interesting mics we’ve seen in a while, as it shares condenser and dynamic capsules. They’re phase-aligned, giving you a serious amount of control over your kick drum sound. 

The MTP440 tom mics are very true to how your toms sound, and the LCT 140 overheads round out the overall sound of your kit very nicely. 


When looking at these microphones, you’ll notice how well-built they look. Each microphone has a few switches to help you with frequency settings, with all of them being useful depending on how you want your drums to sound. 

The kick drum mic is the most interesting of the bunch when it comes to construction. The two phase-aligned capsules are quite unique to see, and the kit includes a special cable that you need to make this microphone work. 

The kit comes with a mil-spec transport case. It’s highly durable, and it will keep your microphones very safe when you store them or travel with them. 


The beauty of high-end microphones is that they do a lot of work for you when you’re mixing. Once you have all these Lewitt microphones setup with an interface or mixer, they’ll already bring fantastic sounds out of your drum set

You just need to do a bit of tweaking in your mix to get sounds and effects that you want. When hearing these mics in action, we though they sounded very true to the original sound sources, which is a fantastic quality to have. 

Price Value Ratio

Not everyone has $1000 to spend on a set of drum microphones. That means that this Lewitt Beatkit pack isn’t a viable option for many drummers. 

However, it’s a high-end set of microphones that you’ll most likely use for decades. If you look at them through that lens, you’ll see their value a lot easier. 

While $1000 is expensive, we’d say that these microphones are more than worth the price that you’ll pay for them. 

If that’s too expensive, there are several top-tier bundle options that are only half the price. They just won’t give you the same clarity and refined sound that these Lewitt mics will give you. 


Do you need seven microphones to mic a drum kit? 

You don’t need to have seven microphones to mic a drum kit. However, having seven will give you more control over your mix. You’ll be able to individually tweak the sounds that each microphone picks up. 

If you want to use fewer mics, you should at least have a snare drum mic, a kick drum mic, and two overheads. 

How much should you spend on a drum microphone kit? 

This mostly depends on your experience and budget. If you’ve been using drum microphones for a while, you’ll notice the poor quality on cheap ones. 

If you’re about to get your first set, you should start with an entry-level option and then work your way up after gaining experience. 

Lewitt Beatkit Pro 7-Piece Drum Mic Kit Review
  • Build Quality
  • Performance
  • Price to Value


Overall, the Lewitt Beatkit Pro drum mic kit is a fantastic option for any drummer looking for a full set of mics. The high-end nature of these mics makes them suitable for all professional settings. 

They’re quite expensive, so they’re going to be an appealing option for drummers with tighter budgets. 

Brett Clur has a Drum Performance Diploma from Trinity College London  has been playing drums for over 20 years. He is passionate about advanced concepts and uses his years of experience to teach his students about them. While he is a full-time drum teacher, he is also working on growing a YouTube channel where shares his insights. You can see him playing there, or on Instagram where he posts daily videos.

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